Sunday, April 29, 2012

Quiz Make Up

Tim Hawkingson is one of the artist that features Art 21: Episode Time. He is an artist who I gave credit for his rare creation and his particular way of expressing his concerns about the relationship between body, movement and sound in the space. He created a complex and giant kinetic sculpture made of simple means and new media, which also was a musical instrument. In his installation "Uberorgan" he used a space of a football size field where an "organism"  made of some huge inflated balloons, big pipes, fishing nets, gears , an a keyboard connected to some photo sensitive switches, formed this amazing installation, which suddendly reproduced some church hymns that the artist listened when he was a child. It seems that the artist created an extraordinary airy creature that breaths and exhales a choreography of sounds with the aim of "bring some memories back and reflect faith" acknowledged the artist. Moreover, people who walked around the installation looked amazed and captivated by the sculpture. However, I believe that the artist did a great job expressing his unique view about art, and also sharing his particular interest about music by creating a sculpture that is strange, but somehow resembles a living organism. The motion and sounds of the sculpture made me think on our respiratory system, in which oxygen is aspirated through the nose and passes through the mouth, the thorax and inflates our lungs, so then when the air is released, it creates vibrations and sounds  through our vocal folds. On the other hand, the scale of the sculpture, the use of technology and some synthetic materials such as plastic and wires, gave to the artwork a completely artificial aspect, so I mostly perceived the sculpture as a huge musical instrument.Tim Hawkingson is a talented and innovator artist who used new media to create a kinetic sculpture that impresses the viewers for its strange form, its peculiar sounds and its coordinated movements.

Tim Hawkingson
Technology, plastic

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